An ecg showed a new primary atrioventricular block 心电图显示新的1度房室传导阻滞。
Ecg showed first degree atrioventricular block and st segment elevations 心电图显示1度房室传导阻滞和st段抬高。
She subsequently developed complete atrioventricular block and a temporary intravenous pacemaker was applied 接着,她出现完全性房室传导阻滞,使用临时性静脉起搏器。
Patients with infective endocarditis have been reported to present with either ruptured sinus of valsalva or complete atrioventricular block 曾有文献报告过细菌性心内膜炎患者并发主动脉窦破裂或是完全房室传导阻滞。
Simultaneously , ruptured sinus of valsalva and complete atrioventricular block further complicated the preexisting septic shock and multiple organ failure 同时并发的主动脉窦破裂与完全房室传导阻滞更进一步的恶化败血性休克以及诱发多重器官衰竭。